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Teachers Should Assign Homework For Students Every Minute Edition Ficks

I was born in Darien, IL and lived there until I was five years old. At that time my family moved to Central Illinois where I grew up in Tremont, just a few minutes away from Morton. After high school I attended Bradley University where I graduated with a degree in Vocal Music Education in 2009. I started teaching in Morton in 2010. I've been at MJHS since 2012. I graduated with my Master's Degree in Music Education from Illinois State University in 2015. When I am not in school, I am either with my wonderful wife Melissa and our kids or my barbershop quartet, After Hours. Melissa and I were married in 2009, and we are current Tremont residents. We have two children, Lincoln and Gwendolyn, and they keep us busy! Melissa and I also enjoy serving with our musical abilities at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Groveland, IL. My quartet, After Hours, is the 2010 Illinois State Champion quartet, as well as the 2018 International Champion Quartet. We do quite a bit of touring on the weekends, throughout the country and we have recorded 4 studio albums. I absolutely love coming to work every day, working with students at Grundy. I love watching them grow as young musicians.

I will be beginning my tenth year as a teacher here at Lettie Brown School. I have taught kindergarten all ten years, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. It was a dream of mine since the time I was in junior high to one day become a kindergarten teacher, and I feel like all my dreams have come true. I feel truly blessed to be at such a wonderful school such as Lettie Brown Elementary and to work with a great staff. I graduated from Illinois State University in 2001 with a bachelor^aEURTMs degree in Early Childhood Education. After several years of teaching I continued with my education and received my masters in reading in 2009. My excellent educational opportunities have prepared for my every day teaching experiences! I grew up in the surrounding areas of Morton as the youngest of eight siblings. Being the youngest helped me to gain lots of life experience as I have watched my siblings make choices in their life. Several of them are teachers and they have taught me many things. I also have twenty-two nieces and nephews! I was fortunate to marry my best friend who I have known since kindergarten! We have been blessed with two children. Connor is going to be a fifth grader this year and my daughter Ella will be two! We stay busy with football, walks, church, traveling, and enjoying all that life brings to us. You can often find us on the side of the mountains of Colorado or having a magical time in Disney World. Mission for the ClassMy mission for my class is to provide a positive atmosphere where my students feel comfortable, safe, learn a lot, and most importantly that they have FUN! I want my students to be engaged in learning that is hands on and relevant to their little worlds. My personal goal is to see each student grow in all areas and to make my classroom a multi-level classroom where each activity will meet each student's academic needs. I want their first year of school to be a positive and fun learning experience and a year where we see lots and lots of growth both academically and socially.

Teachers Should Assign Homework For Students Every minute edition ficks

About the TeacherI am married with two wonderful children. My wife, Kerry, works in the music department of Morton High School. I have two children, Kyle and Darby. Fourth grade is a wonderful transitional year. The students get to come upstairs with the big kids for the first time. With that privilege, come more responsibilities. I expect great things from my students and push them to develop skills and attitudes that will allow them to be succesful students, as well as successful citizens throughout their lifetimes.Students are encouraged to become much more independent during this year. It becomes their responsibility to turn work in on time and in the right places. Their assignment books should be filled out on a daily basis.New academic topics include learning about our United States: the regions, states, and capitals. We have units on sound, light, animals, recycling, rocks and minerals, and states of matter in science. Our biggest math goal in 4th grade is long division. Once they figure that one out, they feel like they have really accomplished something.Learning how to play recorders, preparing for a music program, and going on various fieldtrips are just a few more highlights in 4th grade. 2ff7e9595c

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