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Go Zip Download: High Compression Ratio File Archiver with 7-Zip


Go is a popular open source programming language that is designed for fast, reliable, and simple development. Go has a rich set of standard libraries that cover a wide range of functionalities, such as networking, concurrency, cryptography, testing, and more. One of these libraries is archive/zip, also known as go zip, which provides support for reading and writing ZIP archives.

download go zip

ZIP is a common file format that compresses one or more files into a single archive, reducing the file size and making it easier to store and transfer. ZIP files can also contain directories and subdirectories, preserving the file structure. ZIP files can be encrypted and password-protected, adding an extra layer of security. ZIP files can also be split into multiple volumes, allowing for large archives to be stored or transmitted in smaller chunks.

Go zip allows you to create and extract ZIP files programmatically in Go, using the zip.Writer and zip.Reader types. You can also manipulate the metadata of the files in the archive, such as the name, mode, modification time, and compression method. Go zip supports the standard ZIP format, as well as the ZIP64 extension for large files and archives.

Download and install

Go zip is part of the standard library of Go, which means you don't need to download or install anything separately to use it. All you need is a working installation of Go on your system. You can download Go from the official website: . Follow the instructions for your operating system to install Go.

To verify that you have installed Go correctly, open a command prompt or terminal and type the following command:

go version

This should print the installed version of Go. For example:

go version go1.20.4 windows/amd64

If you see an error message or no output, check your installation and make sure that your PATH environment variable includes the Go binary directory.

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To use go zip in your Go programs, you need to import the archive/zip package at the beginning of your source file:

import "archive/zip"

You can then use the types and functions provided by the package to work with ZIP files.


Go zip offers a number of features that make it easy and convenient to work with ZIP files in Go. Here are some of the main features:

  • Compression methods: Go zip supports two compression methods: zip.Store, which does not compress the file data at all, and zip.Deflate, which uses the DEFLATE algorithm to compress the file data. You can specify the compression method for each file in the archive using the Method field of the zip.FileHeader type.

  • ZIP64 support: Go zip supports the ZIP64 extension, which allows for files and archives larger than 4 GB. To enable ZIP64 support, you need to set the zip.FileHeader.UncompressedSize64 field to the correct value for each file in the archive. You can also use the zip.FileHeader.UncompressedSize field as a convenience, but it will be ignored if it is equal to 0xffffffff, indicating a ZIP64 file.

  • Password protection: Go zip does not support encrypting or decrypting ZIP files natively, but you can use a third-party package that can handle encryption and decryption of ZIP files, such as . These packages offer different features and trade-offs, such as performance, security, and ease of use. You can compare them and choose the one that suits your needs best.

  • Splitting and merging: Go zip does not support splitting or merging ZIP files natively, but you can use external tools or libraries to achieve this functionality. For example, you can use the zip-split and zip-merge commands from the to split or merge ZIP files from the command line. You can also use the io.MultiReader and io.MultiWriter types from the io package to combine multiple ZIP readers or writers into one.


Go zip is not the only option for working with ZIP files in Go. There are some other packages and libraries that offer similar or different features, such as:

  • : A cross-platform, multi-format archive utility that can create and extract ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, LZIP, ZSTD, and more. It also supports compression levels, password protection, progress bars, and more.

  • : A simple and fast ZIP library that can create and extract ZIP files with concurrency support. It also supports encryption, compression levels, custom headers, and more.

  • : A Go wrapper for the unarr library, which can decompress RAR, ZIP, TAR, 7Z, and more. It also supports password protection, multi-volume archives, and more.

You can explore these and other alternatives on , the official Go package discovery site.

Pros and cons

Go zip has some advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before using it. Here are some of them:


- It is part of the standard library of Go, so you don't need to install anything extra.- It does not support encryption or decryption natively, so you need to use a third-party package for that.

- It supports the standard ZIP format and the ZIP64 extension for large files and archives.- It does not support splitting or merging ZIP files natively, so you need to use external tools or libraries for that.

- It allows you to manipulate the metadata of the files in the archive, such as the name, mode, modification time, and compression method.- It does not support other archive formats, such as TAR, GZIP, RAR, 7Z, etc., so you need to use other packages or libraries for that.

- It is easy to use and has a simple and consistent API.- It may not be as fast or efficient as some other packages or libraries that offer more features or optimizations.


In this article, we have learned about go zip, a package that provides support for reading and writing ZIP archives in Go. We have seen what go zip is, how to download and install it, what features it offers, what are some alternatives and pros and cons of using it. We have also seen some examples of how to use go zip in our Go programs.

If you want to learn more about go zip or Go in general, you can check out the following resources:

  • The official documentation of the archive/zip package:

  • The official website of Go:

  • The official blog of Go:

  • The official tour of Go:

The official playground of Go:

Go zip is a useful and convenient package that can help you create and extract ZIP files in Go. Whether you need to compress or decompress files for storage or transfer, go zip can handle it for you. However, go zip is not perfect, and it may not suit all your needs. You may want to explore other options and compare them with go zip to find the best solution for your project.

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about go zip:

Q: How can I list the files in a ZIP archive using go zip?

A: You can use the zip.OpenReader function to open a ZIP archive and get a zip.Reader value. Then, you can iterate over the Reader.File slice, which contains the information of each file in the archive. For example:

r, err := zip.OpenReader("") if err != nil log.Fatal(err) defer r.Close() for _, f := range r.File fmt.Println(f.Name)

Q: How can I add a file to an existing ZIP archive using go zip?

A: You can use the zip.OpenWriter function to open a ZIP archive and get a zip.Writer value. Then, you can use the Writer.Create or Writer.CreateHeader methods to create a new file in the archive. You can then write the file data to the returned io.Writer. For example:

w, err := zip.OpenWriter("") if err != nil log.Fatal(err) defer w.Close() fw, err := w.Create("newfile.txt") if err != nil log.Fatal(err) _, err = fw.Write([]byte("Hello, world!")) if err != nil log.Fatal(err)

Q: How can I extract a file from a ZIP archive using go zip?

A: You can use the zip.OpenReader function to open a ZIP archive and get a zip.Reader value. Then, you can use the File.Open method to open a file in the archive and get an io.ReadCloser. You can then read the file data from the returned io.Reader. For example:

r, err := zip.OpenReader("") if err != nil log.Fatal(err) defer r.Close() f, err := r.File[0].Open() if err != nil log.Fatal(err) defer f.Close() data, err := io.ReadAll(f) if err != nil log.Fatal(err) fmt.Println(string(data))

Q: How can I change the compression level of a ZIP file using go zip?

A: You can use the NewWriterLevel function from the package to create a new *zip.FileHeader, which will use the given compression level and dictionary when writing the file data. For example:

w := zip.NewWriter(os.Stdout) fw, err := flate.NewWriterLevel(w, flate.BestCompression) if err != nil log.Fatal(err) zw, err := zlib.NewWriterLevelDict(fw, flate.BestCompression, nil) if err != nil log.Fatal(err) fh := flate2zip.NewCompressedFileWriter(zw) fh.Name = "compressed.txt" fh.Method = zip.Deflate w.WriteHeader(fh) _, err = w.Write([]byte("This is some compressed data")) if err != nil log.Fatal(err) w.Close() fw.Close() zw.Close()

Q: How can I create a ZIP file from a directory using go zip?

A: You can use the filepath.Walk function from the path/filepath package to traverse a directory and its subdirectories, and get the information of each file and directory. Then, you can use the zip.Create or zip.CreateHeader methods to create a new file or directory in the ZIP archive, and write the file data to the returned io.Writer. For example:

w := zip.NewWriter(os.Stdout) err := filepath.Walk("example", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error if err != nil return err fh, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(info) if err != nil return err fh.Name = path if info.IsDir() fh.Name += "/" zw, err := w.CreateHeader(fh) if err != nil return err if !info.IsDir() f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil return err defer f.Close() _, err = io.Copy(zw, f) if err != nil return err return nil ) if err != nil log.Fatal(err) w.Close() 44f88ac181

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