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Divinity Original Sin 2 Reset Stats

This quest is super straightforward, as you only need to complete a dungeon in the first area outside the Rogue Encampment. Afterwards, you'll be able to reset both your skills and stats just by talking to Akara and selecting the option.

The Magic Mirror can be used to change a number of things about your character. This includes stats, appearance, origin, voice, class, tags, talents, attributes and even those of your party. The only things that can't be altered are your race and skills. Skills have to be reset or added through other means. It's perfect if you want to try something new or just put points into the wrong places. Just be aware that changing your character can change your tags and alter other's attitudes towards you. The Magic Mirror can be used an infinite number of times, so try as many new things as your heart desires, without restarting the game.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Reset Stats


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